Who will you be?
There are so many things we CAN control, no matter what the external forces at play are.
For example.
The stories we tell ourselves (about ourself!)
What we make things mean
How much self care we practice
The way we respond to stimulus (and whether it’s creative or reactive)
The amount of empathy we demonstrate
Our level of kindness
How productive we are
The example we set
Our actions & habits
It’s tempting to ignore this, when we’re deep in discomfort
One thing goes wrong, and we allow that to influence us to “lose control” across the board.
When this happens, and it will, I would love to encourage you to let it be a lesson, rather than a habit.
Here’s a story from my life.
Yesterday morning after a phone call, I felt the perceived lack of control creep up on me. Without me being very conscious, I made this chat mean that I’m failing. For the rest of the day, I found reasons to support this line of thinking. I felt flat & defeated.
There was a moment when I wanted to throw away my new found healthy eating (on day two hahahaha) because everything sucks. But, thankfully, I didn’t.
Instead I felt the discomfort. Had my moment of woe is me. And I let is pass.
It’s a new day today and I’m reminded that I am in control. Of all of the above. And by choosing to exercise my control, I’ve returned to feeling empowered. My mood is restored.
I know that the me I want to BE in six month is fit, healthy, has a growing business and an abundance of what I desire. I also know the behaviour necessary now, for this to be my truth. So I’m happily back to the habits that will set me up for success.
This is me exercising self leadership
I encourage you to think about who you want TO BE, in six months time. Consider the behaviours and habits this you, requires of you NOW. Hold the vision clearly. Then take the actions daily and prove to yourself, that even when you don’t have full control, you sure do have a lot of influence.