I believe being your happiest self is one of the most important jobs you have in life. I call it a job for a reason. It doesn't come automatically, it requires work. I'm all about finding those behaviours, character traits, beliefs and thoughts that position me for happiness. Sure I get off track at times (guilty of being human) but the key is getting myself back on again. My mantra of embracing the good stuff helps me stay the course. I think adopting something of a mantra yourself is a good way to stay focussed.
Have you ever noticed that when you operate outside of your personal values and beliefs your happiness lowers? I absolutely have, in fact the big difference for me is pride vs shame. So I try to be a person I am proud to be. Most days I succeed.
Looking for your own good stuff should be fun. And no matter how old (and wise) you are there's always more inside of you than you realize. Unrealized potential - in you! There are so many things that we haven't tried and who knows what's going to really do it for you? Both yoga and running are activities that I took up in my 30's that give me so much joy and am so pleased to have discovered. Writing too, I didn't do very well in English at school and in fact always thought it was a weakness. But look at me now regularly blogging (and for the record I've been writing blogs for 10 years).
I'm currently enjoying a summer beach house and this week I'm going to take up surfing. I've had a couple of lessons before and really enjoyed them. I'm looking forward to challenging myself to improve. Such good stuff.
We can all do with some inspiration on having a happy life. What do you do that makes you happy? Why does it make you happy? I want to keep discovering new gems for all my days. Let's do it together!