Learn how to build your personal brand and attraction audience strategy, a solo episode with Yvette, podcast #

This week, I talk about the business of taking ownership of your personal brand and finding your audience. Excited?

FACT - in today’s digital world we all have a personal brand. It generally isn’t until we choose to leverage our brand for our career or business, that we start to think about it.

This was especially true for me having a service based business - with my name attached to it. If you find yourself thinking about building a service based business, you're going to need to consider this too....and this podcast episode aims to help with that.

Here are the steps I walk you through:

1. Start with defining the service you will offer, as it will influence which parts of yourself you amplify most
2. Having a clear WHY and purpose make this exercise much simpler - so do that work if you haven’t already
3. In particular make sure you are familiar with your personal values and which of them will play a role in your business - hint don't hide from the very things that make you uniquely you, they're your secret sauce
4. This is your jump off point to understanding your personal branding values
5. Now you can start to push into how you project those values into your behaviour
6. It should feel natural and easy if you're doing this right!
7. The next step is to consider where and how your personal brand meets your ideal customer (avatar)
8. Google ICA that if you need more info on what it means! Or listen up :)
9.Importantly how are you going to connect with them? Where do they spend their time, how do they consume media, what are they looking at when they do, how can you solve their problems?
11. It's likely you will have a priority social platform to leverage at this stage
12. Once you land on the right platform, it’s going to take you a lot of research, trial and error and TIME to build an audience & grow engagement
13. While you're in learning mode - get yourself a business coach so you can take all the short cuts (or do courses if that's better for your budget)
14. Once you’ve found your rhythm then you can consider an audience ecosystem - which we will leave for another podcast episode