Solo tech start up entrepreneur Luke Cook and I talk burnout, happiness and playing the long game podcast #16

Solo tech start up entrepreneur Luke Cook and I talk burnout, happiness and playing the long game!

Cookie and I go way back, about 15 years we figure, so it was only a matter of time before he joined me on the podcast. He departed the Australian Advertising industry a couple of years ahead of me and has since launched Funlocka. And I quote "unlock the happiness of your peers, customers and most importantly, YOU".

It's been a tough slog, with enormous funding required and a tonne of highs and lows. Luke's now 3 years in and very much looking forward to rising into the businesses full potential. I'm here cheering for him as he does it!

This is a great episode for anyone who wants to get under the hood of the reality of building a new empire. While it's filled with passion and purpose, Luke doesn't sugar coat the incredible investments he's made, personally and financially.

On the topic of happiness, make sure you check out my FREE masterclass next week '3 simple steps to increased energy, clarity and self esteem, so you can crush your happiness goals. I would love to see you there (at least virtually).

You can find Luke here:

And as usual you can find me:

Also, please come join me at my private Biz coaching group - THE RUNWAY #litupandliberated, I created it just for you.

Have a great week!