early stage entrepreneur

Which will scale your biz fastest: Mindset, Marketing or Money? solo episode #47

This week you're getting an up close look at the evolution of my business......in real time.

I asked the question posed in the episode title in the Lit Up & Liberated Entrepreneur Facebook group last week and I was surprised at the response.

To be fair all answers are 100% valid and all three are pivotal to your entrepreneurial success.

Talking event marketing for entrepreneurs with Sandra Julian, so inspired by this episode! Podcast #30

Have you considered events in your marketing strategy?

As I share in this episode, I've merely dipped a toe in. But since this chat, I'm planning to do much more of it.

Sandra Julian is a leading force in the events industry, with many years under her belt running globally renowned events based in NZ.

10 ways to turn what you know and love, into an online business, a solo episode with Yvette, podcast #23

Yes you can turn what you know & love into an online business.

Truthfully, it took me actually leaving my corporate role to figure this out. Here’s the thing, From the view inside that job, you’re surrounded by others doing much of the same. Your conditioning prevents you from seeing the full (very big) picture.

Here's why I love, LOVE, love, having multiple income streams and you should too, podcast #19

If you are an early stage entrepreneur (or side hustler, or even dreamer!), do yourself a favour and listen to this episode. Like pronto!

Before I jump in to that good stuff - big news to share. Right now (until midnight March 14th, 2020 AEST), I'm recruiting partners into my beta group business coaching program. It's an exclusive opportunity at a super attractive price point that I'm no marketing broadly. Please go ahead and read all about it + sign up here: #litupandliberated Biz Academy.