
Coaching men, sobriety and cracking open a new level of consciousness with Greg Gillies, podcast #9

I absolutely loved this chat with Greg Gillies, it went totally off topic, but that's a good thing right?! Greg's a Life Coach specialising in working with men. He typically coaches high profile senior Execs and sportsmen.

It turns out, we have a lot in common. We're both ex corporate, coaches and newly sober (much more newly for me!). What started out as a chat about the risks you take when entering entrepreneur land, swiftly travelled into a bit of a rant on ditching the booze.

Learn the steps to take now, if you're considering launching your own business, a solo episode with Yvette, podcast #5

I've been out of my corporate advertising job for almost 11 months now and WOW it has been a roller coaster! I've learned a tonne, often the hard way, which is why I decided to record this episode. Take my advice and you will be one step ahead.

When I left my day job, I had money in the bank and no business plan. Would I change this order of events if I had my time again? Absolutely! Want to know exactly what I would do? Listen to this episode, as I dish the dirt on every lesson I've learned along the way.