You are not alone in feeling resistance....


So many of my local clients and friends are sharing in this “curiosity”. After the initial shock of isolation, there’s a sense of ‘um no, I’m not ready for this to end’. 👋 me too, particularly as the world is just so pretty, with less pollution.

A friends daughter, burst into tears when told her school was going back a week earlier, than previously advised. My niece shared she’s quite happy with life as it is now (outside of water polo, that she would like back in her life, like pronto!). When I ran a corporate workshop yesterday, we discussed that even extroverts are feeling this resistance.

Here’s the thing.

We humans are hardwired for consistency. The list of our most stressful life events are CHANGE related. The death of a loved one, moving, separating, marrying, health challenges. All of these things create uncertainty.

Two things to note.

Firstly, just like you adapted to increased isolation, you will adapt to increased socialisation. Likely far more quickly, given it’s so familiar. You will shortly be saying, oh that’s right, I prefer it this way! Truly.

The other is, you may have noticed me avoiding the word ‘normal’. As in going back to ‘normal’. That was intentional my friends.

Because we are not meant to go back.

This pandemic has undoubtedly opened your eyes and shifted your behaviours. At every step, you’ve felt the impact. Whether it’s in the concentrated family time, increased creative pursuits, a stronger sense of compassion, a new appreciation for our climate, more introspection, home cooked meals, washing your hands a thousand times. The list is endless.

We have been gifted with lessons: a greater knowing of what we really need. An understanding of what is genuinely important.

Now we move forward.

And as we do, let’s encourage each other to be intentional, with the future we’re creating in every day.

For you in particular, my dear friend, I ask you to consider this.

Energy flows, where your attention goes. 

So give of your attention wisely.

What will you choose to give your precious attention to now?