Gate 33 Human Design
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Gate 33 in Human Design is called the gate of ‘privacy’ which is the energy for reflecting on experiences to integrate the lessons (wisdom) and sharing with the collective.
Sitting in the Throat center, Gate 33 is connected to the G Center via Gate 13 - the Listener of the secrets and together they form the channel of Prodigal (13 - 33).
This channel carries the energy for ‘voicing’ the lessons remembered by a prodigal adventurer who has heard it all, seen it all - and now can voice an assimilated lesson, a story which shines light for others.
Gate 33 is all about the wisdom of knowing when it’s time to retreat (introspection) and when’s the time to come share the lessons learned like the wise elder of the tribe.
Fun fact: 33 is the last of the throat center gates in this round of Human Design transits, means it is like a concluding ‘voice’ of ‘I remember’ for all the archetypes of the throat center - eg, the wanderer (35), storyteller (56), integrator (23), strategist (62), publicist (8), wordsmith (12), the tribal queen (45), the leader (31) and such - where 33 is like someone concluding the story of alchemy and transformation with a keynote of remembering.
Gate 33 people come out (return) from their retreat once they’ve valuable lessons to share from the challenges they've faced - which they’ve integrated enough to become a part of their story and their DNA.
And in this sharing, they become the lighthouse and the voice of hope for those feeling lost or clueless or even beaten down by their ‘hardship’.
Through their retreat and the subsequent return, they show the possibility of triumphs after trials.
✔️ If you want to learn how to work with this energy in tandem with your type, profile, strategy & authority to build your magnetism then the custom Human Design for Marketing reading report is for you!
As I write this post, Gate 33 is stationed in the Solar (sun) transit which happens around the end of July each year.
From a marketing perspective, it’s a good time to share and demonstrate the importance of taking a step back and pausing to formulate (or refine) your core messaging - citing all your experiences as one integral story.
Also a good time to reiterate your hero’s journey story with an intention to present possibility of turning weakness into strength.
To better understand Gate 33 in support of your marketing and content strategy watch the “Cosmic Content Code” episode here:
THE SHADOW OF gene key 33 is forgetting
Which governs our existence on this earth plane and conceals our desire as humans to remember ourselves. We live under deep forgetfulness (sleep) which veils our origin from us.
And it is the difficult relationships in life that typically drive you to question yourself and the underlying reason for life.
The shadow of ‘forgetting’ may manifest as a desire to stay hidden (out of fear) and makes communicating with others or expressing yourself very hard.
Or it can manifest as invasive behaviour (out of anger) provoking others and criticizing them in guise of helping them which feeds resentment.
For a way out and to unlock your remembrance, you must begin to fully face your life and the pain that lies within your being.
THE GIFT OF gene key 33 IS mindfulness
Which is loosening the grip of both extremes of this shadow (fear and anger).
By being mindful, you are no longer held captive by your own unconscious desires, fears and reactions.
You begin to see the patterns that cause suffering and start to remember your true identity - that of an eternal being.
It is through mindfulness that you discover how to refine and purify your natural state so that you no longer create negative karma.
Gate 33 Insights
Gate 33 Cosmic Content Code:
From a marketing perspective, I call gate 33 “Vulnerable and Authentic”, and that’s the brand archetype who shares the lessons, the pains, the trials and the triumphs from a place of authentic vulnerability.
As a gate 33 brand you are at your most magnetic and influential when sharing stories of struggle/pain as a gateway to growth and illuminating the path for others to help them move toward the light.
It’s your wisdom gained through persevering which inspires others into transforming weaknesses into strengths (in a true hero style comeback).
Your brand anchors/values as a 33rd brand archetype are:
vulnerability (sharing to empower others)
perseverance & resilience
forgiveness (letting go)
Your brand story is powerful, honest and transformational. It tells of your darkest times and normalises pain so as to help others keep going and find their light.
Your brand story also must show that your driving purpose is to empower others. That’s your brand magnetism.
Make your brand storyline about showing ‘possibility’ amid challenges and the art of powering through, seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
✔️ This ☝️ and more tailored marketing insights in your custom Human Design for Marketing reading report including your type, profile, incarnation cross, channels and gates (Sun & Mercury) will help build your unique Marketing magnetism.
When Gate 33 is positioned in your Personality Sun, it means that’s the essence of your personal brand DNA - how you contribute to the world and what you stand for.
With the 33 in your Sun, market your personal brand as one that believes in success as a collective goal that is achieved through courage and resilience.
Use anecdotes and eloquent speech as anchors to help others feel empowered and find their inner strength.
No matter the niche you’re in, as a coach, healer, network, or digital marketer, your clients/customers are looking for help.
They especially need help when they are unable to stand out and create an authentic branding unique to their design and essence.
When the Sun (or Mercury, your communications DNA) is in Gate 33, share authentic stories from your (or your clients) lives, of the pain and challenge that paved the way for resolution. Share the power of forgiving yourself (or others) in healing and growth.
Present yourself as the wise elder empowering others to be self-led.
Here are some relevant and resonant content prompts in alignment with Gate 33. Share:
when have you experienced pain as a gateway to growth?
what stories from your life need to be heard to support others in healing and finding peace?
encouraging others to work with forgiveness
knowing when to be vulnerable for the sake of a higher purpose
sharing a story from “the archives” of your life to make your point
using cultural stories or quotes to share lessons
respecting the power of age, wisdom and maturity
the importance to taking time to develop a story and deliver it with full effect
teaching others the power of storytelling
seeing a problem for all sides and discerning the moral of the story / a wise perspective
If this is your “birth sign” (gate) let us know how you resonate with the energy of this gate in the comments. How would you tap into the background transit frequency to turn up the volume on your messaging?
What stands out to you and what do you relate to the most?
Share your thoughts and ask questions in the comment box below.
Here for your HD empowered marketing Support,