Human Design Gate 59 of Intimacy: Marketing & Branding Insights

Gate 59 Human Design

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Gate 59 in Human Design is called the gate of ‘intimacy’ or ‘sexuality’, it is the energy to open up and connect to another on a deeper level.

The iChing name for 59 is ‘dispersion’ which is like dipsersing the seeds of connection and letting them sprout out there.

It is the door-opener for meaningful, fertile connections to happen and new things be born which result in growth within the tribe.

Gate 59 sits in the Sacral center and is connected to the Solar Plexus via Gate 6 of Friction / Conflict. Together they form the channel of Mating (6 - 59) bringing the energy to procreate and birth something new.

People with the 59 are naturally magnetic and attract those with whom they can create new lives—whether through life or work partnerships, friendships, or collaborations.

The sacral gives cues on which relationships to pursue/ build and which to forsake ensuring the most fertile are the focus.

✔️ If you want to learn how to work with this energy in tandem with your type, profile, strategy & authority to build your magnetism then the custom Human Design for Marketing reading report is for you!


As I write this post, Gate 59 is stationed in the Solar (sun) transit which happens around fourth week of August each year.

From a marketing perspective, it’s a good time to show up vulnerably and with readiness for deeper connections with your audience - sharing the real, transparent story of your journey to build trust and showing you’re a human being,

Can be a good time to open up new, intimate work spaces, eg, one-on-one spots.

To better understand Gate 59 in support of your marketing and content strategy watch the “Cosmic Content Code” episode here:


THE SHADOW OF gene key 59 is dishonesty

…which hides a deep distrust of others and a core fear of relationships. This keeps your true self hidden from others and hinders the real intimacy and understanding.

So, you either feel lonely and excluded given your own hiding tendencies and become bitter, feeling victimized.

or you try to push your aura into others’ auras in efforts to counteract the rejection and come off as intrusive or invasive. This can manifest through addiction to emotionally unhealthy relationships.

The way out can be through self-inclusion with dignity and grace, also allowing and respecting each other’s space.

THE GIFT OF gene key 59 IS intimacy

Which is the power of raw sexuality and vulnerability between humans connecting to the divine through sacral force.

True intimacy comes through acknowledging your fears around relationships, understanding and allowing them to exist. Only then the door to divine union opens up.

As this opening occurs, two people meet with a single awareness.

Gate 59 Insights

Gate 59 Cosmic Content Code:


From a marketing perspective, I call gate 59 “Raw & Intimate” which is a brand archetype creating desire through a natural focus on innovation and birthing new products.

As a 59th brand, you energetically hone in on intimacy and connection or make it your niche.

You’re an honest brand that prioritises relationships, partnerships and believes that "a rising tide lifts all boats".

As a gate 59 brand you are at your most magnetic and influential when you are at your most vulnerable, raw and honest self.

This makes you into an example of a sensual human being inspiring others finding and connecting with their own raw humanness and experience life in depth.


Your brand story is that of overcoming barriers to achieve genuine, natural and authentic relationships through vulnerable, raw and honest communication + actions.

Make your brand storyline about the truth behind your truth, laying your soul’s WHY bare in front of your audience gaining trust.

✔️ This ☝️ and more tailored marketing insights in your custom Human Design forMarketing reading report including key elements of your chart to help build your unique Marketing magnetism.


When Gate 59 is positioned in your Personality Sun, it means that it’s the essence of your personal brand DNA - how you contribute to the world and what you stand for.

With the 59 in your Sun, market your personal brand as one that inspire others to be authentic and vulnerable through words and the work.

Demonstrate appreciating value of intimacy in relationships. Appreciating the possibility of co-creating a new future..

  • encouraging collaborations,

  • participating in or creating closed, intimate healing spaces.


No matter the niche you’re in, as a coach, healer, network, or digital marketer, your clients/customers are looking for help.

When the Sun (or Mercury, your communications DNA) is in Gate 59, emphasize the need to share the scar not the scab, while not hiding a thing or having secret agendas.

Also, share the "real" story of your brand / product / service.

  • Here are some relevant and resonant content prompts in alignment with Gate 59. Share:

  • invitations to connect 1:1

  • new product announcements

  • personal raw shares

  • mistakes made along the way

  • personal reach outs (eg DMs, text messages)

  • causal content from the heart

  • your "why"

  • stories about intimate relationships

  • teaching the value of vulnerability

If this is your “birth sign” (gate) let us know how you resonate with the energy of this gate in the comments. How would you tap into the background transit frequency to turn up the volume on your messaging?

What stands out to you and what do you relate to the most?

Share your thoughts and ask questions in the comment box below.

Here for your HD empowered marketing Support,
