
Projector Types: How to apply Human Design for Marketing as a Projector

Are you a Projector seeking to unlock attraction marketing for your personal brand? As a wise guide in the realm of marketing, your influence can be transformative. In this post, we'll explore how you, as a Projector, can create content that resonates deeply with your audience and elevates your personal brand 🙌.

As a Projector, people naturally turn to you for your wisdom. When it comes to an archetype or energy in your marketing, we recommend stepping into the role of the world’s best “Tour Guide” in your marketing content (on a tour of your niche!). Share insider secrets and valuable insights that will captivate your audience. Allow your unique energetic presence to shine through as you show them the way.

Attracting Clients as a Projector in Human Design

Have you ever wondered how to attract clients without having to chase them…. given this is totally not the right vibe, especially for a Projector..

You're not alone. Most Projectors struggle with this when it comes to marketing their businesses. But the truth is, there are “aligned” ways for you to attract those dream clients….