Gate 23 Human Design
✔️Get the marketing & branding insights for your personal Human Design Chart and Gates inside your custom reading report
Gate 23 is called gate of ‘assimilation’ in Human Design. Which means the energy for connecting dots, simplifying complex ideas by splitting them apart (iChing) and then articulating them (throat) for wider audiences.
The genius of Gate 23 in action is helping simplify the complex. The word ‘assimilation’ is a merger of ‘ad+similar’ meaning, adding to the existing database of insights to enhance understanding and advance language. Language is the medium through which we humans evolve. And with the 23, you have the power of harnessing that by expressing your understanding clearly. 👇
Seated in the throat center, the 23 is a power tool for self expression, articulating deeper insights, and literally speaking things into action (manifestation).
Fun fact: The working of the throat center is similar to your Mercury placement in your chart which I call your communications DNA for marketing purposes. It’s responsible for your voice, communication and expression both in life and business. And it informs how you share your message and can engage with your audience from a place of authenticity ie what message/energy they’re willing to receive from you.
what is the channel of structuring 23 - 43?
Gate 23 in the throat center connects to gate 43 in the Ajna to form the channel of structuring (turning insights into words). The mental insights and the ‘inner knowing’ from Gate 43 gets processed and expressed via Gate 23.
People with the channel of structuring 43 - 23 have the energy for expressing what has been illuminated (insights) for them. They have advanced comprehension of ideas which when expressed, can help evolve collective understanding.
Gate 23, Cosmic Content Code:
From a marketing perspective, I call gate 23 Original Insight, because it’s the originality and truth of your message that has the power to transform the way people think.
If you have gate 23 in a prominent position, you are a brand that trusts the insights flowing to you. Your most significant influence is combining your intuitive guidance and instinct for the right timing. You are designed to transform how others think by sharing your original perspective.
As a Gate 23 brand, you have the unique ability to connect the dots and present your ideas and insights simply.
Being a Gate 23 brand you’re here to express your big vision and unique ideas through your marketing message. When you do so, you inspire others toward their originality.
✔️ If you want to learn how to work with this energy in tandem with your type, profile, strategy & authority to build your magnetism then the custom Human Design for Marketing reading report is for you!
Gate 23 Transit energy + Definition
As I write this post, Gate 23 is stationed in the Solar (sun) transit which happens in the second week of May. It’s a good time to tap into and fine-tune your voice power and speak your mind (this is relevent even when you do not have this gate in your chart). Or if you have gate 43 hanging in your chart then the Gate 23 transit will complete the channel for you during this time.
If you have Gate 23 in your personality Sun placement (your birthday gate) or any other chart placement, especially Mercury (your communication codes), then check out what this means for your marketing and content strategy in my latest “Cosmic Content Code” episode on YouTube here:
If you have gate 23 defined in your chart
You create potency in the way you communicate what you’ve discovered as insights. Your spoken truth activates people into theirs.
Also, you very likely hold the belief that:
You find the right words to express your insight when the timing is right
This means you have a natural gift of knowing when and with whom to share your message. This naturalness is a result of you attuning to your intuition + universal rhythms and that translates into knowing when’s the right time to speak your truth.
You have a knack for words, yet simple is your best bet. This shows your advanced (yet read-the-room kind of) language skills.
THE SHADOW OF gene key 23 is complexity
The 23rd shadow concerns misunderstanding and division through saying the wrong things and saying them at the wrong time.
This shadow carries an overwhelming urge to express yourself with a fear of what others think when you do. For example, you unconsciously communicate in a complicated way, fearing that if you share your ideas more simply it will devalue their impact (the opposite is true).
So it’s not surprise that this fear can manifest as suppression of your expression or over-sharing and overcomplicating stuff.
THE GIFT OF gene key 23 IS simplicity
The 23rd gene key gift is about keeping it simple and cutting the unnecessary - removing jargon + communicating concisely.
The power of simplicity is that it creates efficiency wherever it goes. With simplicity, you waste nothing in life, not even your words or gestures. Within this gift, the clutter will be slowly removed from your inner and outer life, allowing for crystal clarity.
The journey from shadow to gift happens when you reflect your thinking with plenty of open space to breathe. And develop an attitude of Simplicity a state of being.
Gate 23 Insights
✔️ This ☝️ and more tailored marketing insights in your custom Human Design for Marketing reading report including your type, profile, incarnation cross, channels and gates (Sun & Mercury) will help build your unique Marketing magnetism.
If you have Gate 23 in your Personality Sun (or Mercury), you embody the power of learning to connect with your inner truth and sharing in a way that nobody else can.
Your brand story highlights the power of looking at things differently and sharing a unique perspective. You advocate finding the sweet spot between topics and insights, expressed simply and powerfully.
When it comes to positioning your offers, make sure you own your Gate 23 ‘voice of the truth’ capabilities and show people how you bring new ideas and insights to life by integrating all your previous learning.
No matter the niche you’re in, as a coach, healer, network, or digital marketer, your clients/customers are looking for help. They especially need help when they are feeling untrue in their brand messaging or feeling stuck in their expression.
When the Sun (or Mercury) is in Gate 23, share unique and original ideas, it’s a time to be “all you” in what and how you communicate. If ever there was a time for an #unpopularopinion this is it!
Here are some relevant and resonant content prompts in alignment with Gate 23. Share:
how you have came to create the business you have; join the dots by looking backwards
share a unique perspective write or record a long POV and then cut it back to the shortest, simplest version help others gain clarity
your process on processing info and synthesizing for fresh insights
the importance of waiting for the right ideas to land trusting you will find the right words to express your insight when the timing is right
whatever you didn’t say before because of the fear it’s too out there
the process of letting your brain work on a problem while you sleep (or in. the background)
importance of “not casting your pearls before swine”
If this is your “birth sign” (gate) let us know how you resonate with the energy of this gate in the comments. How would you tap into the background transit frequency to turn up the volume on your messaging?
What stands out to you and what do you relate to the most?
Share your thoughts and ask questions in the comment box below.
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