Essential Oils

What's your definition of success?

What's your definition of success?

What is your definition of success? It occurred to me recently that for me, winning and success go hand in hand. I’ve been driven by a desire to win for as long as I can remember. Embarrassingly, my memory even features scenes of me crying after coming second in a swim club race. Not lying. #cringefactormassive

That was a long time ago, but the belief system remains. If I’m not winning, then I consider myself not only unsuccessful, but I will even go as far as to tell myself I’m failing. This I can report, is a sure fire way of creating a hard wired damaging self talk pattern. For me it’s led to a lack of self worth and sometimes even a little self loathing.

The curiosity of living with less

The curiosity of living with less

Before I jump in to this, can I just say, I recognise that I (and very likely you) live a life of privilege. I haven’t spent much time considering this in the past. I’m glad that’s evolving. Forgive me if my experiences comes across as self indulgent, I’m sharing knowing that they are.

In December 2018, when I left my corporate role, I had enough money to last me a little while, without having to “worry”. That being said, as any entrepreneur will likely agree, there’s a certain amount of insecurity that presents itself the day you turn off a rather comfortable, regular income.

Want to know why I'm proud to work in Network Marketing?

Want to know why I'm proud to work in Network Marketing?

Two years ago, I could never have guessed, I would be sitting here writing a blog piece in support of Network Marketing. My personal opinion was steer clear of it, it’s a pyramid scheme. Of course I knew very little about the field. Although I did try and fly a non existent plane once. Boy that was an expensive night!

The path to 'lit up & liberated'

The path to 'lit up & liberated'

As I sit here typing, it’s December the 29th 2018. Which makes it about 9 days since I walked out of my Corporate MD (of an advertising agency) role into the great unknown. Actually, that’s a stretch, I do know where I’m headed to, even if the directions are a little less clear!

The destination, isn’t actually a place, instead it’s a feeling. More specifically, it’s the way that I want to feel on a day to day basis. It’s both ambitious and yet, it’s achievable. If not all day every day, then at least a whole lot more than we’re led to believe.

This quest of mine, began a little over eight years ago. A cancer diagnosis is terrifying, gut wrenching and debilitating. I went through every bit of ugly and I can promise you, it’s best avoided. It left me with one positive thing though. A realisation that I wanted more from my life. Not more money or things, but more meaning and more joy. To be able to look back whenever my time comes, with a sense of accomplishment and pride.

The overwhelming emotion of following your heart

The overwhelming emotion of following your heart

I cried again today. Happy tears. Lately, this welling of the eyes has become a regular occurrence. I’m pretty confident it means, I’m on the right track.

I’m just a week shy of leaving my 30 year long corporate career, to focus on my passion for health and wellness (via my doTERRA business). As my business develops, I’m regularly having aha moments, that remind me of why this “risk” is so worth taking. Moments that make my heart explode and my eyes water. Who knew work could feel like this?! These moments are typically, my team expanding into new levels of confidence and happiness. Empowering other women to new levels of success is kinda intoxicating, trust me.

Do you love to travel? Me too!

Do you love to travel? Me too!

I've made sure to do plenty of it in my life thus far.

I must admit though, the exciting adventure is all too often accompanied by pesky jet-lag and when unlucky a few more ailments to negotiate your way through on top.

A friend asked me, which essential oils I recommend she take on her next big trip away. I got busy typing out an email. Before I knew it, I had covered the top 10 oils. Yes, I take them all with me on my travels, plus a few extra's for good measure!

Your essential oils intro AUDIO class, 35 minutes from me to you :)

Your essential oils intro AUDIO class, 35 minutes from me to you :)

Do you enjoy listening to podcasts? Me too! So, I thought it was a great idea to run an intro to essential oils class podcast style. Here in a short 35 minute audio file I introduce you to why I started using essential oils, what they are and give you a quick run through the top 10 essential oils we (at doTERRA) recommend for every household. 

Breast cancer specific Essential Oils intro class (audio only) - please share!

This recording is of an Essential Oils one on one chat I had with a fellow breast cancer survivor. She didn't love being recorded, so it's mostly just me talking!

This isn't the standard class format, I don't even talk about what essential oils are, or why doTERRA. That being said, I hope it's helpful. If you're a breast cancer survivor and would like to learn more, please get in touch with me - my email is

One thing I want to make clear - Clary Sage/Clary Calm are very potent and you need to be careful using them if you've had a hormonal breast cancer. Do your research, ask your Doctor and trust your intuition..

Please enjoy listening to my dog bark and me discuss my vacant love life. Typical Yvette Mayer over share. Vulnerability in action.