Gate 42 Human Design
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This Gate series synthesizes the wisdom of Human Design and the Gene Keys to support you in leveraging your energetic frequency in creating authentic and aligned marketing. It’s designed to help you grow your engagement and inspire your ideal clients. The gates are particularly relevant in your marketing when:
You have the Gate we are exploring in either your Personality Sun placement (this is your personal brand DNA) or in your Personality Mercury placement (how you’re designed to communicate).
When the Gate is stationed in the Human Design Transit chart in either the Sun or Mercury positions - both will create a background frequency of this energy that gives you insight into the types of messaging your ideal clients will respond to.
Gate 42: Cosmic Content Code:
potentiality party
As I write this post, Gate 42 is stationed in the Sun position in the transits (which happens around 2nd week of April). For deeper insights on Gate 42 frequency, visit my YouTube Channel and watch the latest “Cosmic Content Code” episode here:
In Human Design, Gate 42 is called the gate of ‘growth/increase’ and is the energy of celebrating life cycles and learning from phases at each ending. That’s a deeply contemplative energy and also the preparation or welcoming of the coming season.
With keynote of maximizing potential, 42nd frequency also includes expansion of resources considering new potentials. That’s the literal definition of gate 42 in HD:
The expansion of the resources which maximizes the development of full potential.
This expansion or upgrade of resources is key to better serving the collective. And results in a loop of “expansion -> paying forward to the collective -> more expansion”.
In my Cosmic Content Codes, I call gate 42, “Potentiality Party” which is all about honouring the end of cycles and enjoying celebrating the results of the creation process all the while clearing space for new beginnings. Here lies a transitoriness which urges you to consider what lies ahead and make mature, calculated (yet expansive) decisions based on past lessons. This may look like:
looking at analysis/data and modelling to predict bigger and better
considering new investments
procuring new assets or re-allocation of the existing ones
setting up support systems, teams and automations
Gate 42 sits in the sacral center, the motor center for new creations and life force. It is connected to the Root center via Gate 53 of New Beginnings. Together they form the cyclical channel of Maturation (42 - 53) which is all about closing loops.
42 is also the part of ‘Sensing Circuit’, so 42nd frequency empowers you to sense when to end a commitment - or - whether to end it or not. It uses sacral cues together with past reflections to make sense of the right next choices.
✔️ If you want to learn how to work with this energy in tandem with your type, profile, strategy & authority to build your magnetism then the custom Human Design for Marketing reading report is for you!
Gate 42 Summary
If you have gate 42 in your chart, you possess qualities like determination and following through, seeing things through to their end. You develop the maturity of decision-making + commitment (channel of maturation 42-53) by learning from past cycles. You know if a cycle isn’t lived correctly, it’s going to repeat itself and you can spot such patterns in individual life or even society. Honouring cycles is a big part of your life journey.
Cyclical nature of gate 42 carries the theme of ‘closure’ and detaching from the outcomes. I know, counterintuitive to the word ‘celebration’ itself, but what I mean by that is developing the ability to fully acknowledge a completion and then moving on full of wisdom without lingering on the past successes/failures. That’s the gift of detachment of Gene key 42 which I talk more on below.
The shadow of gene key 42 is expectation which is about sitting in waiting for our lives to improve one day - some day! It has to do with our desires messing up with our mind which often results in perceived disappointment.
Whether your expectation is optimistic or pessimistic, it narrows your field of vision and closes down the limitless potential that exists in each present moment. - Richard Rudd
The 42nd shadow can manifest as not wanting things to end and doing everything to keep them the way they are. This is rooted in fear of change, and this ‘clinging’ causes slow withering away of self stopping the chances of natural renewel.
On the other hand, this shadow can manifest as inability to fully complete anything in life - avoiding disappointment by not really committing in the first place. You move from one thing to another without allowing natural cycles to play out.
Gene Key 42’s gift of detachment is all about not allowing your expectations to constrict you in “feeling life to the fullest”. This detachment brings you the freedom to explore and experience the present moment to the max. You stay open to the limitless possibilities in the Now without any baggage of expectations weighing you down. That’s a process to master and a worthwhile life lesson.
The shift from shadow to gift happens when you transcend the fear of change (including death) trusting that we only transition energetically from cycle to cycle and never die. Only then you get to become limitless, playful, fluid and unpredictable.
If you have Gate 42 in your Personality Sun (or Mercury), you are a brand that that honours the end of cycles, trusting that all is as it should be. You enjoy celebrating the results of the creation process and the opportunity that comes at the end to consider new potentials.
As a gate 42 brand, you create big impact by mastering follow-through and then honouring results with celebration. In this way, you enjoy these moments where you reflect and consider what’s next for you in your business and life. Your journey shows others the joy in seeing things through and reaching for new heights.
When it comes to positioning your offers, make sure you own your drive and determination as a leader. Encourage using the force of push to motivate others to finish things - “everything you want is on the other side”. Demonstrate mastery of detaching from outcomes as a means to huge success in business and life.
✔️ This ☝️ and more tailored marketing insights in your custom Human Design for Marketing reading report including your type, profile, incarnation cross, channels and gates (Sun & Mercury) will help build your unique Marketing magnetism.
No matter the niche you’re in, as a coach, healer, network, or digital marketer, your clients/customers are looking for help. They especially need help when they are afraid to make commitments and want to quit prematurely. Or inversely, afraid of imminent change and feeling stuck.
When the Sun (or Mercury) is in Gate 42, share stories of celebrating the completion of a project (like a launch) and the opportunity to regroup and re-orient to go bigger. Share anticipating the potential of what’s ahead and importance of being a visionary and futurist.
Here are some relevant and resonant content prompts in alignment with Gate 42. Share:
celebrating finishing up with a client
getting excited about what’s coming next
encouraging others to celebrate their milestones
detaching from outcomes and focusing on lessons
the importance of honouring a significant effort with a reward
the law of rhythm, the need for a pause between bursts of growth
offering ideas/products that help honour the completion of a cycle
celebrating the end of a program and inviting others to consider for future
opening up space to reflect on what’s been and imagine what is now possible
If this is your “birth sign” (gate) let us know how you resonate with the energy of this gate in the comments. How would you tap into the background transit frequency to turn up the volume on your messaging?
What stands out to you and what do you relate to the most?
Share your thoughts and ask questions in the comment box below.
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