This Gate series synthesizes the wisdom of Human Design and the Gene Keys to support you in leveraging your energetic frequency in creating authentic and aligned marketing. It’s designed to help you grow your engagement and inspire your ideal clients. The gates are particularly relevant in your marketing when:
You have the Gate we are exploring in either your Personality Sun placement (this is your personal brand DNA) or in your Personality Mercury placement (how you’re designed to communicate).
When the Gate is stationed in the Human Design Transit chart in either the Sun or Mercury positions - both will create a background frequency of this energy that gives you insight into the types of messaging your ideal clients will respond to.
✔️Get the marketing & branding insights for your personal Human Design Chart and Gates inside your custom reading report
Gate 10: Cosmic Content Code:
authentic self love
As I write this post, Gate 10 is stationed in the Sun position in the transits (which happens each year around the Solstice in December). And this year (2023), both the Sun and Mercury are in Gate 10 from December 20-24, (Mercury being in retrograde). So the background energy is especially pronounced and relevant from both a personal and marketing perspective. For a deep dive, visit our YouTube Channel for the “Cosmic Content Code” Gate 10 episode here:
In Human Design, Gate 10 is called ‘Treading’ and is the gate of ‘Behaviour of the Self’. It teaches us the importance of love and care for ourselves as THE priority, so that we’re able to be our best selves for others as well. Think oxygen mask theory.
The 10th gate is one of the four gates of love in the Identity Center of Human Design (with 15th, 25th & 46th gate) and is referred to as the “Love of Self”.
At a deeper level it’s a gateway toward following your convictions and meeting your own needs, without feelings of guilt or selfishness. And this is sooooo important given, it’s only through taking proper care of your mind, body and spirit that’s it’s possible to go anywhere near to your true potential.
In my Cosmic Content Codes, I call gate 10 “Authentic Self Love”. It’s the energy of authenticity, tapping into your truth and nurturing your creativity. If you’re a Gate 10 person, you model this behaviour by navigating challenges of low (self) awareness, self-sabotage or fear by focusing on love.
Coinciding with the holiday season, gate 10 energy encourages us to be in the energy of love. So take extra steps to nourish and nurture your essence and ‘fill your cup’ in this time of ‘being’ (rather than ‘doing’).
sincee you’re building a purpose driven business like I am, this is your permission to rest, replenish, restore and come back to your mission in the new year
The higher frequency of Gate 10 energy is a true expression of “I Am”! Which is a kind of certainty, and conviction around being yourself. This is truely about self-empowerment. In the Gene keys, the 10th gift is ‘Naturalness’ which means to be in your natural state of ‘being’ and authenticity. There’s an ease in being yourself that allows you to express your love for self and life through both words and behavior.
It also invites you to NOT identify with the culture of hustle and grind which, honestly, has had it’s day as the means to success. With gate 10’s higher frequency, you model the mantra of “Easy is Right” in any endeavor you take - be it career or life.
✔️ If you want to learn how to work with this energy in tandem with your type, profile, strategy & authority to build your magnetism then the custom Human Design for Marketing reading report is for you!
The shadow of gate 10, “self obsession”, is about striving obsessively for more - more love, more money, more recognition - but not from a place of authenticity, ease or wholeness, instead - through hustle, struggle and even inadequacy/not enough-ness. This might manifest as controlling or obsessive behaviors (think OCD) which take a toll on your mental health and vital life force.
The journey from shadow to gift is one of moving from perpetual struggle/inadequacy to allowing ease, softness and true acceptance of the wholeness of yourself.
a unique quality of Gate 10 available to all:
Gate 10’s six lines’ themes are the same as those of overall human design system. This is a unique characteristic of this gate alone. For example, line 2 archetype in both human design and gate 10 is ‘hermit’. Similarly, line 6 is ‘role model in both and so on and so forth.
So what that means for people who don’t have this gate defined in their chart is that: their path to self love comes through their main profile lines (which is a combination of your Sun line in personality and design e.g., 6/2). It means self love is there inside everyone to be accessed whether gate 10 is activated or not for them through their profile. How wonderful is that!
what it means to be a gate 10 brand
If you have gate 10 in your Personality Sun (or Mercury), you are a brand that promotes and encourages genuine self-love. As a brand, you modelling this behavior is of enormous value to the collective. Gate 10 is part of the individual circuitry in Human Design, so you are serving the collective and empowering through prioritising yourself and embodying radical self-acceptance and self-love.
Your brand story demonstrates the power of the personal journey that led to your brand being a voice for self-love and authenticity, through the inevitable challenges of low self-awareness, self-sabotage and guilt.
So it’s important to use your creativity to develop a unique positioning of your services/offers showcasing your commitment to uphold love of self, ingenuity and authentic living.
✔️ This ☝️ and more tailored marketing insights in your custom Human Design for Marketing reading report including your type, profile, incarnation cross, channels and gates (Sun & Mercury) will help build your unique Marketing magnetism.
how the background frequency of gate 10 impacts the potential for your marketing resonance
No matter the niche you’re in, as a coach, healer, network or digital marketer, your clients/customers are looking for help. They especially need help when they’re feeling not-enough, anxious and stuck in daily grind without seeing progress or fulfillment in work/life.
When the Sun (or Mercury) is in gate 10, share stories of why / how ‘self-love’ plays a significant role when it comes to ‘personal empowerment’ and growth.
It’s also the perfect time to encourage time out to rest, be in community and take a break from the grind.
Resonant, relevant content:
your personal journey to loving yourself
cultivating self love as foundation for all love
working with beliefs / dissolving limiting beliefs
connection between self-love & creative capacity
connection between self-worth and manifestation
practices that grow inner connection and grounded-ness
importance of identity and the power available through stepping into new identities
be / do / have model (who you’re BEING as the most powerful growth lever)
If this is your “birth sign” (gate) let us know how you resonate with the energy of this gate in the comments. How would you tap into the background transit frequency to turn up the volume on your messaging?
What stands out to you and what do you relate to the most?
Please do go ahead, share your thoughts and ask questions in the comment box below.