Gate 34: Power over Force, The Gate of Power - Human Design for Marketing

This Gate series synthesizes the wisdom of Human Design and the Gene Keys to support you in leveraging your energetic frequency in creating authentic and aligned marketing. It’s designed to help you grow your engagement and inspire your ideal clients. The gates are particularly relevant in your marketing when:

  1. You have the Gate we are exploring in either your Personality Sun placement (this is your personal brand DNA) or in your Personality Mercury placement (how you’re designed to communicate).

  2. When the Gate is stationed in the Human Design Transit chart in either the Sun or Mercury positions - both will create a background frequency of this energy that gives you insight into the types of messaging your ideal clients will respond to.

    ✔️Get the marketing & branding insights for your personal Human Design Chart and Gates inside your custom reading report

Gate 34: Cosmic Content Code:

power over force

As I write this post, Gate 34 is stationed in the Sun position in the transits (which happens each year around 3rd week of November). I explore this transit energy on my YouTube Channel in my “Cosmic Content Codes” series, watch the full episode here:

In Human Design, Gate 34 is the gate of Power and is known as “Great Vigor” in the i-Ching. In the Gene keys, the 34th gift is Strength. It’s a sacral gate which is the motor for energy, vitality & creation (all the life force vibes!).

In my Cosmic Content Codes, I call it “Power over Force” because this gate asks us to release the energy of forceful trying and replaces with the power of surrendering and having faith in divine timing.

What I mean by this is the belief that;

Forcing is trying and trying is chasing,

While surrendering, is believing in yourself and trusting in your innate power of attraction.

“I do not chase, I attract” is the mantra of the higher frequency of gate 34. It’s doing only what strengthens your vibe and achieving progress through alignment to your highest goals. Moreover, this is the energy of using personal power for the greater good of all.

The shadow of the gate 34, “force” can appear as the feeling of “powerlessness” in struggles of forcing outcomes. The journey from shadow to gift typically involves trying to force results to no avail and ultimately learning that what is meant for you won't pass you by.

It’s a journey to achieve “effortlessness” by detaching from the outcomes. Manifesting results with the power of (clear) intent instead of blind hard work.


I have Gate 34 in two prominent placements in my chart - both the Design and Personality Jupiter. These are key pathways in the Gene Keys Pearl sequence and important gateways to: philosophy, connection to spirit, luck, joy and expansion.

Inside this podcast episode I share how the shadow has shown up for me (relationships in my business), as well as the potential that is part of my innate energetic frequency.

Power is something I feel deep in my body, I’m a physically strong woman, who’s lived through enormous trauma (including breast cancer and being the child of an addict). At this point of my life there is no part of me that falls into victim mentality and I’d like to say that I’m enjoying stretching towards my full potential, with a level of ease and grace.

✔️ If you want to learn how to work with this energy in tandem with your type, profile, strategy & authority to build your magnetism then the custom Human Design for Marketing reading report is for you!

what it means to be a gate 34 brand

If you have gate 34 in your Personality Sun (or Mercury), you are a brand that is here to advocate self-belief, personal empowerment and trust in divine timing. Teaching people that trusting our inner strength is the ultimate answer to the pull of our soul’s mission. And how believing in the divine timing can summon great courage and determination in the pursuit of a higher vision.

In your personal marketing and brand building, this energy can get momentum when your higher perspective is in sight all the time.

It is important for you to regularly make time for clarity on your brand’s vision. This helps you embody strength, courage and flawless confidence as you go on to building a successful brand.

✔️ This ☝️ and more tailored marketing insights in your custom Human Design for Marketing reading report including your type, profile, incarnation cross, channels and gates (Sun & Mercury) will help build your unique Marketing magnetism.

how the background frequency of gate 34 impacts the potential for your marketing resonance

No matter the niche you’re in, as a coach, healer, network or affiliate marketer, your clients/customers are looking for help. They need help, often times because they feel powerless and experience lack of results despite doing everything they were told to do.

When 34 is in the Sun (or Mercury) transit, share stories of your own experience with standing in your power and trusting in the divine. Or offer advice on:

  • how to detach from outcomes

  • how to effortlessly pursue goals

  • how to shift the paradigm of hard work or forcing results and operating from a “flow” state

  • embodying courage in the face of challenges or when nothing seems to fall in place

    With these stories of resilience and empowerment, you’re going to achieve huge cut through and engagement!

If this is your “birth sign” (gate) let us know how you resonate with the energy of this gate in the comments. How would you tap into the background transit frequency to turn up the volume on your messaging? What stands out to you and what do you relate to the most?

Please do go ahead, share your thoughts and ask questions in the comment box below.
