Gate 57 Human Design
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Gate 57 in Human Design is called the gate of ‘intuition’ or ‘gentle penetration’ (iChing) - which is the energy of connecting to the subtle intuitive nudges that bring clarity in the moment.
Gate 57 sits in the Spleen center, the center that holds our intuition and our instincts for survival and well-being.
So the 57 is truly the essence of splenic energy. I call it the Queen of this energy. Highly intuitive, and many of those who have it in their design are even psychic.
People with gate 57 can often sense things before they happen and offer insights based on that. E.g., what is safe / what’s unsafe or what is grounding and healing in the moment.
However, this energy works through body consciousness and requires greater attuning through soma (body) work and alignment.
Like all splenic gates, Gate 57 has a primal/survival fear linked to it, which is the fear of the future or the unknown that can paralyze and keep you stuck imagining various scenarios of what could go wrong.
The workaround for the gate 57’s fear of an uncertain future is to develop and practice self-trust. Developing a deeper awareness of the subtle intuitive ‘hits’ you get in the moment and taking your mind out of the equation with practices that foster deeper bodily connection.
Gate 57 is part of three channels and actually connects to three other centers:.
the Throat via Gate 20 of the Now - forming the channel of the Brainwave (a profound awareness in the Now + expressing it)
the G Center via Gate 10 of love of Self - forming the channel of Perfected Form (perfecting your living form through intuitive alignment)
and to the Sacral via Gate 34 of Power - forming the Channel of Power (taking action in the now based on intuitive wisdom)
✔️ If you want to learn how to work with this energy in relevance to your type, profile, strategy & authority to build your magnetism then the custom Human Design for Marketing reading report is for you!
As I write this post, Gate 57 is stationed in the Solar (sun) transit which happens in around the second week of October each year.
From a marketing perspective, it’s a good time to own and showcase your connection to Source and intuitive/psychic gifts to empower others.
To better understand Gate 57 in support of your marketing and content strategy, watch the “Cosmic Content Code” episode here:
THE SHADOW OF gene key 57 is UNEASE
…which is a very deep and ancient fear of not knowing what is coming or not knowing what’s in the wind.
Unease is triggered when intuition is suppressed by the mind and manifests as anxiety, and weighs down on us like a continuous pressure that we cannot escape.
The shadow of unease can show up as indecision, the paralysing fear that won’t let you advance or take a step.
Or it can manifest as making hasty decisions from a place of fear rather than clarity. Which is an attempt to override fear itself but instead brings more turmoil.
The way out is learning to trust your natural guidance system aka intuition 👇
…which is your body's natural ability to interact harmoniously with the outer world. As you lean more and more into your intuition, your internal GPS, you will notice a softening within yourself and a deep sensitivity for everything and everyone in the world.
Every time you trust your intuition or make a decision based on it, you raise the vibration of your entire aura bringing more clarity through you.
Gate 57 Insights
Gate 57 Cosmic Content Code:
From a marketing perspective, I call Gate 57 ‘Intuitive Clarity’ which is the energy of a ‘wayseer’ and a forward thinking visionary.
Your brand models self-trust, body wisdom and being aware of intuitive inspiration.
Gate 57 is the brand archetype of the trusted intuitive and expert/leader who can empower others to move forward using their psychic and intuitive gifts.
The splenic, in-the-moment understanding of a 57th brand leads to spontaneity backed by trust in the Source which can not go wrong.
Also, your absolute faith in your intuition makes you a powerful human (and channeler).
Almost everyone who I’ve done a reading for with this gate in their chart, is a healer or spiritual guide of some sort. As usual….you can’t make this stuff up!
As a Gate 57 brand, you are at your most magnetic and influential when you come out the spiritual closet and claim your psychic abilities + use them as a means to empower and guide others. Remember, self acceptance comes first!
You are here to openly show us the courage it takes to move through giant leaps of faith in the face of fears and surrender to the divine.
And in doing that, you encourage and inspire others to trust their intuition.
Your brand story is a tale of owning your connection to the Divine. It is about learning to trust that your intuition is not just a gift for yourself but for others.
Make your brand storyline about trusting that the more you connect with your body’s wisdom, the more you can ‘hear’ those light shoulder taps of clarity from within. And that’s unlike any external (disempowering) guidance system.
Share being in tune with your bodily cues and hearing the subtlest nudges within.
✔️ This ☝️ and more tailored marketing insights in your custom Human Design forMarketing reading report including key elements of your chart to help build your unique Marketing magnetism.
When Gate 57 is positioned in your Personality Sun, it means that it is the essence of your personal brand DNA - how you contribute to the world and what you stand for.
With the 57 in your Sun, market your personal brand as one that believes in and embodies the power of intuition. Share messages from source (or other spiritual teachings /downloads).
And/or guide people to safety within their bodies, enhancing their own self-connection and essentially teaching others to get the ego (mind) out of their healing and growth path.
No matter the niche you’re in, as a coach, healer, network, or digital marketer, your clients/customers are looking for help.
When the Sun (or Mercury, your communications DNA) is in Gate 57, share real-time intuitive updates/reflections. Encouraging others to connect to their intuition.
Also, this includes showcasing the real process of how we connect to our intuition.
Here are some relevant and resonant content prompts in alignment with Gate 57. Share:
who do you trust the most when it comes to working with your energy / connecting to the divine
what daily practices best support intuition
sharing inspiration that feels like a direct “download”
the importance of overcoming doubt and trust intuition
what is your intuition telling you is most important to share today
what is your intuition telling you is on the horizon
ask ‘do you believe you are an intuitive?’
when are you at your most intuitive
ask ‘do you hide your intuitive gifts or share?’
moments of awakening to a higher power
teaching quantum physics / energetics
trusting intuition when it comes to right timing
observing intuition in animals
the power of the senses
when did you “just know” and what happened?
If this is your “birth sign” (gate) let us know how you resonate with the energy of this gate in the comments. How would you tap into the background transit frequency to turn up the volume on your messaging?
What stands out to you and what do you relate to the most?
Share your thoughts and ask questions in the comment box below.
Here for your HD empowered marketing Support,