
Joining the dots

“You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.” Steve Jobs

I really love this quote from Steve Jobs. He surely wasn't a prophet on all fronts but this speaks to me. Particularly right now, as I try to make sense of how I've arrived at where I am today and also where I'm heading.

Do you think you might benefit from a health coach?

After the post I wrote last week, I know I could do with one myself.  Which got me thinking that given I am qualified in the area, it would be a good exercise to give you a demo using myself as the subject. 

Excuse me while I talk about myself in the 3rd person in this post! Below I'm going to give you some insight into the health coaching processs.  From my POV a health coach offers support and accountability in a safe space. Here's what could happen in the first couple of sessions. 

5 simple keys to happiness at work

Work (I mean career) has been on my mind a lot of late and has been finding its way into this blog, as a result. Which is kind of strange given that the sentiment is more about making sure you have a life filled with joy and working is not something that generally evokes that emotion.

Which has me thinking about why. Last week I was chatting to someone about this matter and I came out with this statement. "I'm enjoying my career right now, I'm doing work I'm proud of and getting a ton of positive reinforcement" and he responded with, "well yes that's how it's supposed to be".  And isn't that rather telling. It is just so damn simple.

Love the one you're with (love the one you're with!)

Love the One you're with. An oldie but a goodie and the sort of lyrics that can easily get lodged in your brain.  Since coming up with the idea behind this post, it's been kind of hard to shake.  Why? It's a catchy tune for sure. It's more than that though; it feels like the work of synchronicity. Do you have that experience? When whatever is on your mind will suddenly present itself to you in full song version. Not sure about you, but I kind of love it. It's like I'm the DJ of my life.

Anyway, you might expect given the above, this post is about romantic love. It's not. Actually, I'm not good at multi tasking on the relationship front. In particular if I'm in love, I got to get over that stuff before I can feel love for someone else. But I can totally relate to the sentiment in other aspects of my life.

The magic of 'coincidence'

A couple of weeks ago, over dinner the book 'The Four Agreements' was recommended to me by a friend. We share many of the same beliefs when it comes to our guru's and guides in life. I wrote down the title in my little black book (I mean iphones notes) knowing I would get to it in time. Then I got back to eating.

Two days later, the picture featured here was re-posted on instagram by the brand I'm wearing in it (which is K-Deer, they make AWESOME tights). Randomly the pic was hashtagged with 'thefouragreements' amongst other things. I have no idea why, I mean what has a picture of me in my tights got to do with this book? What I do know is that I am unquestionably meant to read it. One click on Amazon later and it was winging it's way to me.

Do you surround yourself with people who energize you?

This week I spent some time with one of my truly great friends. Not my 'longest' or my 'closest' friend but absolutely one of my greatest. Sometimes we see each other every week and at other times it's months apart. It doesn't matter, whenever we hang out the result is the same. I feel uplifted, loved, supported and better for having her in my life. I believe this is how you should feel after spending time with a great friend (outside of those difficult times for either of you).

Do you make sure to nourish your support network?

I know this better than most. Mainly because I’ve endured life changing, scary and gut wrenching medical challenges.  What you figure out in these times is who is really there for you. So there’s a blessing in that. The people that step up in these times are the real deal.  They are reliable. They will be there for you time and time again (no matter how big or small the challenge and amount of support needed).

I am very grateful (lucky) to have an enormous support network. I think of it as lots of mini support groups.  First there is my family, they are simply the most important people in my life (and my number one support group).  Then there are my best girl friends – I’ve talked about them here before. My work colleagues deserve a mention too. My tribes (blogged about here before) as well.  Finally there is the small but very strong group of male friends in my life.  Today I want to talk about them.

If you lose don't lose the lesson

Let's just cut right to the chase. My promising relationship is no more. The truth is, my intuition was telling me that something felt off. However, because of the connection & chemistry I ignored it. I told myself I have trust issues from past hurt (I have been thoroughly betrayed before). As the story goes, I should have gone with my gut, I now realize it was way ahead of my heart and head. Turns out the guy in question wasn't just having connection & chemistry with me.......It took me until after we officially called it quits to join all of the dots, but now I am certain I was dealing with what I think you could call a player. Two cities, two women. My heart = big ouch.