
Recovering from heartbreak and it feels so good!

Grief is a tough part of life and one that we all experience at some point.  Although if you flip it, not experiencing grief would surely mean you've had nothing to lose. Which is worse right? Anyway, back to grief.  I've been there.

Six and a half months ago I waved goodbye to New York City after calling it home for five years. In retrospect I now realise living there was more than a dream, it was a love affair. Filled with excitement, liberation, intense joy, and that heady feeling that just makes you smile.  Yes I have completely romanticized it and there were disappointments at times too. Not many though!

Putting the garden in gardening leave

According to Wikipedia Garden leave or gardening leave:- describes the practice where an employee leaving a job – having resigned or otherwise had their employment terminated – is instructed to stay away from work during the notice period, while still remaining on the payroll.

Gardening leave is a term that originated in the UK and was adopted in Australia & NZ too. When I resigned back in October, 2016 I didn't think it would happen to me. After all I'm leaving a US focussed role to run a Sydney agency. Yes on a Global scale we compete, but from my view point, my specter of influence doesn't overlap.

Joining the dots

“You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.” Steve Jobs

I really love this quote from Steve Jobs. He surely wasn't a prophet on all fronts but this speaks to me. Particularly right now, as I try to make sense of how I've arrived at where I am today and also where I'm heading.

Moving tips learned the hard way

I moved to my new neighborhood last weekend. There were/are certainly some mixed emotions involved. Moving meant leaving the building where Nicole and I shared an apartment. And saying goodbye to my treasured doormen whom I had grown to rely on. But, despite the heavy heart, I knew it was time. Time to lean into my dream of living in the West Village. To embrace a new experience. And I'm sure Nicole would be in full support.

Along the way, I learned a few lessons, which I thought worthy of sharing in a post. This is more about the emotion than the physical stuff. And whilst its about moving house, the lessons here are really more about going through change - & could be applied elsewhere too.

Soul Food week two challenge

Firstly quick update on week one.  Did you manage to go to turn your electronics of 30 minutes before bed time? I did....just not every night.  While I believe in this concept to promote good sleep, seems for me at least the cancer fighting medication I take has other ideas. Sure I was able to fall to sleep quickly, but my wide awake night sweat 10 minutes later meant overall no improvement. I believe in a mere 6 months time when I am finally off said drugs my sleep will go back to normal.