
I didn't know what would happen

I didn't know what would happen

When I bought essential oils from doTERRA last November, I just thought, I hope they help. I hope they help with my sleep challenges, my stress levels & if they could please also help the achy desmoid tumor in my leg disappear (or even just stop hurting), well that would be ace.

To be fair, since having been diagnosed with breast cancer 8 years ago, I’ve been drawn like a magnet to natural & holistic health. I’m all for modern medicine, I’ve benefited greatly. But, the toxic load on our lives and bodies freaks me out. So, my inclination is to turn to low (or no) tox solutions, to integrate the best of modern and holistic support to strengthen my resilience.

When I bought a doTERRA kit of oils, I didn’t know what would happen.

How I'm using Essential Oils to manage Cancer & Desmoid side effects (and hopefully even more!)

Whilst doing yoga this morning and during savasana, when I 'should' have been quieting my mind, instead I was inspired to write this post!  The reason being, I couldn't wait to get home to apply my essential oils to my desmoid tumor, which was experiencing some discomfort. For the record, I rubbed in some frankincense and copaiba (along with coconut oil) on arrival and voila, no discomfort. Then I got to thinking, these oils are giving me so much relief to a lot of cancer and desmoid related side effects, that this post simply must be written. So here I am!

I'm going to start with the support for breast cancer side effects and then move on to desmoid tumor. Something for everyone? Not really, but I know some of you will be very interested to hear this.

Abundance is a mindset, it can be yours!

Growing up, I was taught that the world is a place of scarcity. That we wont have enough if we don't 'behave' a certain way. Be that money, love, fun or self fulfillment, the message is the same. There simply isn't enough to go around.

My parents, whilst not perfect had their hearts in the right place. They taught me caution. Invest in the safety of property. Make sure I have my superannuation sorted. Don't expect too much of myself. Recognise, that I need to exercise delayed gratification to set myself up for success. OK that last sentence is a stretch, but it speaks to me!

Super Moon ritual

Today November 14th, 2016 marks the largest Super Moon in 69 years. This moon also happens to be in Taurus which is my star sign so it seems auspicious to me.  While I'm not super in tune with all things spirituality related, I'm interested.  Interested enough to consider how it would be best to use this Super Moons power. I've got a lot going on right now and could use a reset.

So, as is the normal approach to such matters, I Googled my way into some understanding of what I'm now going to do this evening. I'm sharing here in case you too live in the Northern hemisphere and want to take the opportunity to celebrate (or ritualize) the occasion too. If not, never fear, there's a full moon every single month and each time you have the opportunity I'm taking today.  To be fair, a reset is valuable any time.

Moving tips learned the hard way

I moved to my new neighborhood last weekend. There were/are certainly some mixed emotions involved. Moving meant leaving the building where Nicole and I shared an apartment. And saying goodbye to my treasured doormen whom I had grown to rely on. But, despite the heavy heart, I knew it was time. Time to lean into my dream of living in the West Village. To embrace a new experience. And I'm sure Nicole would be in full support.

Along the way, I learned a few lessons, which I thought worthy of sharing in a post. This is more about the emotion than the physical stuff. And whilst its about moving house, the lessons here are really more about going through change - & could be applied elsewhere too.