
The real reason I was able to grow my coaching biz to 6 figures in a year...

It's true I grew my coaching business to 6 figures in a year (actually 13 months but who's counting!).

Talking about my money isn't my favourite thing, I'm all about creating businesses you love, that love you back, which I call feeling #litupandliberated.

But these things do go hand in hand and I know you LOVE learning the exact decisions I made that had the biggest impact.

Now I've shared lists like this before, but this one is different. Because I want to tell you the reasons behind the reasons, I was able to grow my coaching business this fast.

An Honest Review of Digital Course Academy from Amy Porterfield 2020. Is DCA Worth It?

If you've ever considered starting an online business or expanding your business offerings, you may have wondered about creating an online course.

And if you've looked into creating a course, no doubt you've heard about or come across Amy Porterfield.

For good reason, Amy Porterfield is the QUEEN of online courses and runs Digital Course Academy (DCA), one of the biggest online programs for creating online courses and digital businesses.

If you're wanting to find more info about Digital Course Academy to help you decide whether DCA is worth the cost, you've found the right place.

You are not alone in feeling resistance....

So many of my local clients and friends are sharing in this “curiosity”. After the initial shock of isolation, there’s a sense of ‘um no, I’m not ready for this to end’. 👋 me too, particularly as the world is just so pretty, with less pollution.

A friends daughter, burst into tears when told her school was going back a week earlier, than previously advised. My niece shared she’s quite happy with life as it is now (outside of water polo, that she would like back in her life, like pronto!). When I ran a corporate workshop yesterday, we discussed that even extroverts are feeling this resistance.

Here’s the thing.

The return (to digital marketing)

In 2007, I approached my CEO with a question.

Could I possibly relinquish my role as head of client relationships (for the Sydney) agency & move across to the open role of head of digital?

His head nearly spun off! I was literally requesting to reduce my power base. Moving from running a team of 50 or so -> to a team of 6.

10 ways to LOVE yourself happy

The link between self love and happiness isn’t new. Some of my favourite quotes on the topic are indeed centuries old, and come from the wisest of souls.

"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? And, if not now, when?"

Hillel (famous religious leader of the fifth century)

And the Buddha said;

"You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserves your love and affection."

I’m a happier human, since my run in with breast cancer #mikedrop

To be clear I’m not glad it happened. It was a full on nightmare that included 4 surgeries, 6 months of chemotherapy, a year of herceptin and 5 years of hormone therapy. And I went into early menopause aged 39. Not exactly fun.

Back to the topic at hand.