
The real reason I was able to grow my coaching biz to 6 figures in a year...

It's true I grew my coaching business to 6 figures in a year (actually 13 months but who's counting!).

Talking about my money isn't my favourite thing, I'm all about creating businesses you love, that love you back, which I call feeling #litupandliberated.

But these things do go hand in hand and I know you LOVE learning the exact decisions I made that had the biggest impact.

Now I've shared lists like this before, but this one is different. Because I want to tell you the reasons behind the reasons, I was able to grow my coaching business this fast.

How to use momentum to trump fear (and doubt)

Given it's a new year there's a high chance you have made some sort of commitment to yourself recently.  Maybe it's toward a goal that will require big change. Deciding on the goal, is often times the easy part, maybe it's even a natural progression. But starting.....well that's a different story. As the saying goes 'easier said than done'.  You do your research and set yourself up to succeed. It all feels natural, it feels good. Then something changes. As the date draws nearer to the official start (change) date, you panic. Then your panic manifests into doubt, very likely driven by fear.