From a marketing perspective, gate 39 is the energy for “Creative Provocation”, and this is a brand adamant at coming up with creative solutions using the challenges plus calling out the norms. As a gate 39 brand you know when to stir stagnant energy by being a seeker and voice of change. Your attempts at waking and shaking things up bring clarity and a new way of thinking and doing.
Gate 15 Human Design, Marketing & Branding Insights for the Gate of Extremes
From a marketing perspective, I call gate 15 the “Love Drummer”, which is a brand archetype of marching to the beat of your own, heart-centered drum. As a gate 15 brand you are in-tune with your attitude and the external patterns and rhythms within the larger community. This enables you to bring magnetic and powerful disruption with the potential to catapult others (humanity even) into huge transformation.
Gate 12 Human Design, Marketing & Branding Insights for Gate of Caution
From a marketing perspective, I call gate 12 “Divine Discernment”, which is a brand with a huge potential to create change using voice. This comes with the caution of knowing when and what to express and that’s only after you’ve transcended your emotional waves and tuned into your inner divine guidance. So when the timing is right, you get the greatest impact from your communication or artistic expression.
Gate 45 Human Design: The Gatherer, Marketing Insights for Personal Brands
From a marketing perspective, I call gate 45 “Shared abundance”, where the 45th archetype believes that sharing abundance is the key to personal as well as mutual success. This can mean sharing resources across your community/network/team evenly so that everyone does their work without interference and shines bright to bring success for all.
Gate 8 Human Design: Gate of Contribution; Marketing and Personal Branding Insights
From a marketing perspective, I call gate 8 “Aligned Contribution”, because it’s only by aligning to your originality and individual expression that you contribute to the growth and evolution of the collective. It’s never the other way around (fitting in) for Gate 8s but always and always ‘fitting out’ by which you get to trasform and mutate others. You are here to claim your inner Unicorn. Your brand story is incredibly authentic and shares the road to owning your inner unicorn.
Gate 23 Human Design: Assimilation, Insights for Marketing and Personal Branding
From a marketing perspective, I call gate 23 Original Insight, because it’s your originality and truth of your message that has the power to transform the way people think.
If you have gate 23, you are a brand that trusts the insights flowing to you. Your most significant influence is combining your intuitive guidance and instinct for the right timing. You are designed to transform how others think by sharing your original perspective.
Gate 2 Human Design: Marketing Insights for Your Personal Brand
From a marketing perspective, I call gate 2 the manifestation magnet which is a brand archetype that understands the law of attraction and champions the importance of living with intention to receive desired results.
As a Gate 2 brand, you hold the belief that abundance is the natural consequence of placing attention intentionally.
Gate 24 Human Design: Gate of Rationalization, Marketing Insights for Business
Gate 24, “Recalibration” is the capacity to pause and recalibrate for greater growth. This is the brand archetype who uses lessons as stimulus to ‘invent’ a bigger and brighter vision. This means stretching your vision of what's possible and seeing every experience as a necessary step towards growth.