Karen Curry Parker

Human Design Gate 7 Marketing & Branding Insights

When the Sun (or Mercury, your communications DNA) is in Gate 7, share importance of seeing the bigger picture and being a voice of leadership towards activating others in the right direction. Also that nobody is here to operate alone; the right team is everything. Here are some relevant and resonant content prompts in alignment with Gate 7. Share:

Gate 62 Human Design - Gate of Details, Marketing & Branding Insights

With 62 in your Sun, market your personal brand as one that believes in the importance of setting up frameworks to allow for flexibility. And knows the value of boundaries and clear communication in having a flowy, low stress and easeful experience of life. Create and offer workflows, templates, solutions that help bring ease and flow.

Gate 53 Human Design - Gate of Beginnings, Marketing & Branding Insights

From a marketing perspective, I call gate 53 the “Art of the Start”, and it’s a brand with faith in the power of new beginnings. You are constantly creating a sense of movement and evolution, initiating and activating others into transformation.

As a gate 53 brand you know when to pivot in the right direction or launch new prducts. You believe in continual rebirths that lead to expansion.

Gate 39 Human Design - Gate of Provocation Marketing & Branding Insights

From a marketing perspective, gate 39 is the energy for “Creative Provocation”, and this is a brand adamant at coming up with creative solutions using the challenges plus calling out the norms.

As a gate 39 brand you know when to stir stagnant energy by being a seeker and voice of change. Your attempts at waking and shaking things up bring clarity and a new way of thinking and doing.

Gate 15 Human Design, Marketing & Branding Insights for the Gate of Extremes

With 15 in your Sun, you are a brand which is devout to pursuing transformation and freedom in life through non-conformity - yet striving for balance, peace and harmony with an all-embracing approach to life.

Being attuned to natural bodily or environmental cycles and honoring your own rhythmic beat, you lead the way through fine-tuning to your own cycles and by responding to the environmental flow in the now.

Expressing your individuality and incredibly versatile and accepting nature inspires others onto the journey of finding their own rhythm, direction, self-acceptance and balance.

Gate 45 Human Design: The Gatherer, Marketing Insights for Personal Brands

From a marketing perspective, I call gate 45 “Shared abundance”, where the 45th archetype believes that sharing abundance is the key to personal as well as mutual success. This can mean sharing resources across your community/network/team evenly so that everyone does their work without interference and shines bright to bring success for all.