Yvette Mayer

Human Design Gate 6 of Friction: Marketing & Branding Insights

When the Sun (or Mercury, your communications DNA) is in Gate 6, share stories of friction being the gateway to change, growth and even success. Encourage a sense of peace as a motivator for yourself and others (be that peace of mind or world peace). Here are some relevant and resonant content prompts in alignment with Gate 6:

Human Design Gate 64 of Confusion: Marketing & Branding Insights

With the 64 in your Sun, market your personal brand as one that knows that confusion is the natural order of creativity. That has an understanding that there is a moment of breakdown before the breakthrough. Demonstrate both the ugly and the beautiful sides of the growth and creative process. Encourage accepting the challenge as a signpost for imaginative thinking on the road to dreams coming true.

Human Design Gate 40 of Aloneness: Marketing & Branding Insights

From a marketing perspective, I call gate 40 “Center of Gravity” a brand archetype who knows how to come to their centre of gravity through strong boundaries around energy conservation.

As a 40th brand, you energetically master the art of balancing communtiy-oriented work with nurturing alone time.

Human Design Gate 59 of Intimacy: Marketing & Branding Insights

With the 59 in your Sun, market your personal brand as one that inspire others to be authentic and vulnerable through words and through actions. Demonstrate appreciating value of intimacy in relationships. Appreciating the possibility of co-creating a new future..

Human Design Gate 29 of Commitment: Marketing & Branding Insights

As a gate 29 brand you are at your most magnetic and influential when you persist through challenges, slaying the dragons and not deterring from the path you set out on intentionally. DEFINING YOUR BRAND STORY: Your brand story is a journey of finding the joy of doing the work you love and course-correcting through your internal GPS after maybe a few false starts.

Human Design Gate 7 Marketing & Branding Insights

When the Sun (or Mercury, your communications DNA) is in Gate 7, share importance of seeing the bigger picture and being a voice of leadership towards activating others in the right direction. Also that nobody is here to operate alone; the right team is everything. Here are some relevant and resonant content prompts in alignment with Gate 7. Share:

Gate 33 Human Design - Gate of Privacy, Marketing & Branding Insights

As a gate 33 brand you are at your most magnetic and influential when sharing stories of struggle/pain as a gateway to growth and illuminating the path for others to help them move toward the light. It’s your wisdom gained through persevering which inspires others into transforming weaknesses into strengths (in a true hero style comeback). Your brand anchors/values as a 33rd brand archetype are: