Human Design Chart

Human Design Gate 47 of Realisation: Marketing & Branding Insights

No matter the niche you’re in, as a coach, healer, network, or digital marketer, your clients/customers are looking for help. When the Sun (or Mercury, your communications DNA) is in Gate 47, relate "Heroes' Journey" stories that follow the path of a call to adventure. Share stories or insights normalising periods of stagnation and speaking to the importance of trusting the process.

Human Design Gate 40 of Aloneness: Marketing & Branding Insights

From a marketing perspective, I call gate 40 “Center of Gravity” a brand archetype who knows how to come to their centre of gravity through strong boundaries around energy conservation.

As a 40th brand, you energetically master the art of balancing communtiy-oriented work with nurturing alone time.

Gate 31 Human Design - Gate of Influence, Marketing & Branding Insights

From a marketing perspective, I call gate 31 “Empowered Direction”, the brand that has the potential to be positioned as a leader in the field. This energy is of a gifted leader who empowers others on the journey towards the highest potential. As a gate 31 brand you are at your most magnetic and influential when your driving purpose is to empower others.

Gate 62 Human Design - Gate of Details, Marketing & Branding Insights

With 62 in your Sun, market your personal brand as one that believes in the importance of setting up frameworks to allow for flexibility. And knows the value of boundaries and clear communication in having a flowy, low stress and easeful experience of life. Create and offer workflows, templates, solutions that help bring ease and flow.