
Gate 62 Human Design - Gate of Details, Marketing & Branding Insights

From a marketing perspective, I call gate 62 the “Plan for Flow”, and it’s a brand archetype that knows that resistance can be avoided through proper planning and communication.

The motto - “there is no freedom without structure”. As a gate 62 brand you are a creature of discipline. You bring this energy to your brand where you know that the path to material success and collective welfare is through discipline, structure and clear boundaries.

Digital detoxing

Last weekend, I unintentionally went on a digital detox retreat. What I mean by that is I signed up for a yoga retreat and didn't read the fine print. What the fine print said was that there would be 1/ no alcohol 2/ no technology (outside of cameras) and 3/ copious amounts of mindfulness.  In full transparency I may not have booked myself in for all this serious stuff had I been more across the agenda!