human design marketing

Gate 31 Human Design - Gate of Influence, Marketing & Branding Insights

From a marketing perspective, I call gate 31 “Empowered Direction”, the brand that has the potential to be positioned as a leader in the field. This energy is of a gifted leader who empowers others on the journey towards the highest potential. As a gate 31 brand you are at your most magnetic and influential when your driving purpose is to empower others.

Gate 52 Human Design, Gate of Stillness - Pausing for Bigger Impact

With 52 in your Sun (or anywhere in chart), you are a brand attuned to divine timing. As a gate 52 brand you know when to slow down to speed up. Your brand shows an amazing sense of seeing the bigger picture, trusting there's an aligned movement to make.

Gate 16 Human Design: Enthusiasm; Marketing and Personal Branding Insights

From a marketing perspective, I call gate 16 “Adept and Enthusiastc” which is the archetype of an “entusiastic leader” of multiple talents - and a contagious energy others want to be around. You are known for your ability to apply yourself in whatever skill you chose to become a master at it.

Your brand persona is a mix of “talent at display” + sharing the process of how you achieved your level of mastery.

Gate 20 Human Design: Presence; Marketing and Personal Branding Insights

From a marketing perspective, I call gate 20 “Potent Presence” which is the archetype of a “present leader”. As a 20th brand you are at your best when you let go of what's come before and instead of projecting forward, are fully present in the moment and potent with what you share.