Human Design Gates

Human Design Gate 28 of the Game Player: Marketing & Branding Insights

From a marketing perspective, I call Gate 28 Risk for Reward’ which is the energy of believing wholeheartedly in what you think is worth taking risk for and seeing it through with all your power. You believe that challenges are a part of the process and belive in bringing a sense of adventure and experience to it rather than the doom n’ gloom. Gate 28 is the brand archetype of the ‘Game Player’ or the ‘dragon slayer’ having strong values and a valour to face it all

Human Design Gate 6 of Friction: Marketing & Branding Insights

Gate 6 in Human Design is called the gate of ‘friction’ or ‘conflict’ which brings with it a quest for awareness and peace. It is the design of growth through ‘friction'. From a marketing perspective, I call gate 6 the “Peace Advocate” - a brand archetype that influences through a quest for peace (which can be translated to inner peace or even world peace). A Gate 6 brand is all about awareness and acceptance of friction as fuel for resolution.

Human Design Gate 47 of Realisation: Marketing & Branding Insights

Gate 47 in Human Design is called the gate of ‘realisation’ which is the energy to assemble scattered information into a meaningful life experience - that is, making sense out of things within a meaningful context. From a marketing perspective, I call gate 47 the “Practice of Possibility” a brand archetype with an uncanny belief that anything is possible (despite any tension!). As a 47th brand, you embrace change, appreciating that everything is constantly evolving and shifting, including human beings.