
Gate 8 Human Design: Gate of Contribution; Marketing and Personal Branding Insights

From a marketing perspective, I call gate 8 “Aligned Contribution”, because it’s only by aligning to your originality and individual expression that you contribute to the growth and evolution of the collective. It’s never the other way around (fitting in) for Gate 8s but always and always ‘fitting out’ by which you get to trasform and mutate others. You are here to claim your inner Unicorn. Your brand story is incredibly authentic and shares the road to owning your inner unicorn.

Honoring my inner rebel.....or not

Since finding out I need to start chemotherapy drugs in September, I have to confess my inner rebel has been having a field day. I think we all have one of these, but mine happens to be particularly powerful......It's the rebel in me that I have to thank for countless amazing experiences in my life.  But it's also the rebel in me that has led me to feeling sub par on many occassions too.

When my oncologist broke the news that I need to start these drugs he also gave me a warning.  The warning was, whilst I am on them (which may be for a year+) I am not to binge drink or sun tan.  Holy moly, how does this doctor know me so well to understand this is a conversation he definitely needed to have?