
The curiosity of living with less

The curiosity of living with less

Before I jump in to this, can I just say, I recognise that I (and very likely you) live a life of privilege. I haven’t spent much time considering this in the past. I’m glad that’s evolving. Forgive me if my experiences comes across as self indulgent, I’m sharing knowing that they are.

In December 2018, when I left my corporate role, I had enough money to last me a little while, without having to “worry”. That being said, as any entrepreneur will likely agree, there’s a certain amount of insecurity that presents itself the day you turn off a rather comfortable, regular income.

Want to know why I'm proud to work in Network Marketing?

Want to know why I'm proud to work in Network Marketing?

Two years ago, I could never have guessed, I would be sitting here writing a blog piece in support of Network Marketing. My personal opinion was steer clear of it, it’s a pyramid scheme. Of course I knew very little about the field. Although I did try and fly a non existent plane once. Boy that was an expensive night!