I believe being your happiest self is one of the most important jobs you have in life. I call it a job for a reason. It doesn't come automatically, it requires work. I'm all about finding those behaviours, character traits, beliefs and thoughts that position me for happiness. Sure I get off track at times (guilty of being human) but the key is getting myself back on again. My mantra of embracing the good stuff helps me stay the course. I think adopting something of a mantra yourself is a good way to stay focussed.
Follow your bliss
How beautiful is this pic? It was taken in Bali 3.5 years ago on one of my best friends wedding trips. I love Bali. I love my friends. This trip was very special, blissful even.
I have the word bliss and specifically the concept of following your bliss on my mind. Which is a good thing, because I was completely side stepped from my path this week then was snapped right back onto it after recieving a message from the universe loud and clear last night.