
To Whole30 or not?!

Earlier this year I bought the book 'It Starts with Food' amongst others while I was working my way through health coaching studies. Most of these books are actually still sitting on my book shelf unread.  It turned out that between working full time and studying, adding load to related content was more than I could manage.  Then there was the fact that I was not eating meat or chicken given the this approach to food is quite paleo like (meat, chicken, eggs, fish, vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds).

On vegetarianism and my decision to eat meat again

Eleven months ago, after researching desmoid tumors and what they have in common with breast cancer I decided to become a vegan.  Primarily due to the fact that both share estrogen receptivity and avoiding the hormones in produce seemed to make a lot of sense to me. Plus Kris Carr is one of my guru's and she is very passionate about her vegan lifestyle and it's cancer fighting properties. So it was very worth trying.

There are so many diets out there, what should I eat?

Are you one of those people who has over the years tried almost every diet going?  I totally am. I have tried Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Fit for Life, High carb, low carb, high protein, juicing, the MB 12 Week Challenge and of course the I am only going to eat 1000 calories per day every day for the rest of my life diet.

Take care of you!

I am currently studying with the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, learning to be a health coach (in today's news so is Pippa Middleton apparently!). The course load is roughly 5-7 hours per week for a year, with materials largely being video 'modules'.  These modules vary greatly, but my favorite ones are always the guest speakers, they are typically very inspiring as well as educational.

This week, the first two lectures were by Bernie Siegal MD. What an interesting character, I was mesmerized watching him. And his very aligned POV to my own made it very compelling. Funny that, I am always drawn to the lecturers who most 'speak my language'.